About Us


We are a community of disciples committed to making a

difference together through  the power and love

of Jesus Christ.

At Mt. View, we do life together – we learn together,

serve together,and celebrate together.

We’d love to have you and your family join us!

Gathering Times

Sunday Small Groups 8:45 am
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am
Wednesday Night 6:15 pm

Our Team

Dr. David Outlaw

Lead Pastor

Kevin Ray

Worship Leader

Dr. Charles and Barbara Parker

Missions and Outreach Leaders

Dalton Alvis

Youth Pastor

What to expect in Worship:

Our Sunday Morning Worship begins at 10am and we usually finish around 11:15. It is a casual atmosphere where we participate in worship through songs that are a mixture of classic and contemporary. Don’t worry, we display the words so it’s easy to sing along. We observe a time of worship through giving to support the ministries of the church and the needs of the community. We engage with the Word through biblically based sermons that are relevant for life today.

What to expect for Kids:

At Mt View, we are a family friendly church that values having young ones in the worship service learning from parents, grandparents, and mentors about worshiping God through singing, praying, giving, and exploring the truth of the Word. Additionally, we are also happy to provide a clean, safe, fully-staffed nursery and preschool class for children 0-4 years. Find out more about our children’s ministry here.